In response to the current situation regarding the coronavirus, we have created an online wellness calendar and an online wellness resources page. Assessing your life balance uci center for student wellness and. At the end of the quiz, black markers will be placed in each aspect of wellness connected by black lines. Taking this assessment will also help you to reflect on components. Online training developed by childrens health scotland explains how shanarri supports childrens rights. In order to obtain a 10, i would have to emotional health physical health intellectual health spiritual health social health occupational health leisure physiological health. Your answers will be a number from 01 0 based on the scale below. Assessment tools that help students learn more about their wellnessrelated attitudes and behaviors.
Many people think about wellness in terms of physical health only. Instructions uci center for student wellness and health. Both models use individual psychology as an organizing theory. Coaches use a variety of assessments of life or wellness domains the wheel is a common metaphor and one example of a life wheel assessment, focused on selfcare, is featured in chapter 12. Wellness wheel and inventory is a whole person assessment and lifestyle program. Microys, life balance assessment and action planning guide, 20012 and lutheran social services of michigan, your guide to the wellness wheel. Wellness center on integrated health care and selfdirected. Download the life balance wheel pdf and take the first step to creating your most balanced life. Apr 29, 2017 the experiential learning activity described below utilizes both the wellbeing wheel and the nested model wellbeing wheel, and functions as a bridge that connects the appropriate complexity of. According to the substance abuse and mental health services administration samsha, wellness means overall wellbeing. Physical exercise, nutrition, health habits smoking, drinking, etc. There are always opportunities for enhancing your wellness. It is suitable for health practitioners and those working in social care or education who support children with their health.
For the ones you agree with most of the time, give yourself. I feel comfortable and at ease with my spiritual life. Microys, life balance assessment and action planning guide, 20012 and lutheran. The six dimensions of wellness national wellness institute. You may feel that your relationships have little or nothing to do with the fact that you have chronic diarrhea, but until you balance your relationships you cant know for sure. Wellness wheel assessment questions university of toledo. Personal wellness is the start of a healthy and successful college career. Developing an awareness of the environment that surrounds you, and enhancing your relationship with it. Assessing your life balance a wheel runs most smoothly when well balanced.
Well care questionnaire for adults aged 22 to 64 if you have not completed the online health profile in the past 6 months, please answer the following questions. To download a pdf handout about the six dimensions of wellness, click here. Spirituality was conceived as the foundation of wellness and was defined as a. The wellness wheel illustrates a wellness model with seven dimensions. Its your life and your wellness wheel youre the one who decides what goes where.
It is based on the major life tasks and subtasks that enable healthy persons to interact effectively with environment and ecological life forces. A good place to start is selfreflection and goalsetting. The wellness in 8 dimensions inventory was be developed through three stages. When you are done, tran sfer that score to t he teen compass. More recently, assessments of character strengths or talents have emerged. Finding satisfaction and worth in your working and living environments. Rate the following 10 statements by placing a number in the spaces provided. The wellness wisdom wheel will help you better understand how the six dimensions. Print and use the princeton umatter wellness selfassessment pdf. Read each statement and fill in the corresponding pie shaped section of the wheel to the degree you are. Spiritual wellness involves having meaning and purpose and a sense of balance and peace. Wheel of life a selfassessment tool please click here to tweet this to other people who may find it useful hey guys. Given these evolving trends, the need for a comprehensive and dynamically responsive plan for your health is even more important.
Using the scale below, rate the following areas in terms of frequency. The experiential learning activity described below utilizes both the wellbeing wheel and the nested model wellbeing wheel, and functions as a. Wellness is a term union members all know and use often, but what exactly is it and what does it mean for a person to be well. This is an additional resource to supplement the post on the wheel of life, to help you in completing it and ensuring you get the most out of it. You can use this selfassessment tool to determine the areas of wellness. Fitnesswellness assessments urec university of arkansas. Jan 11, 2018 the life balance wheel is a simple, yet powerful personal development tool that you can use to help you set meaningful goals. The aim of this project is to test the wellness in 8 dimensions inventory for individual and program level outcomes. The wellness wheel represents a persons life and their total wellbeing. Selfcare assessment worksheet this assessment tool provides an overview of effective strategies to maintain selfcare. All of the dimensions are interconnected and important to a wellrounded and balanced lifestyle. Nwis multicultural competency committee and the wellness wheel we have. Wellness, however, is much more than physical health. Wheel of health in todays fastpaced and increasingly complex world, medical science and the evolution of unique models for health care are bringing us closer to truly personalized medicine.
The lutheran wellness wheel is a model for personal spiritual wellbeing and balanced, healthy living. Deepen an understanding of how spiritual wellbeing integrates and permeates all other areas of the wholeness wheel wholeness wheel foundational competencies. The framework for exploring adolescent wellness was used as a practical guide for pediatric nurses to assess wellness, to understand, and to describe the relationship between wellness and the. To register, visit the urec main office, hper 225 what to do on the day of your assessment. Strengths these are the things i do well my daily routines, habits, and valued life activities that build and maintain my spiritual wellness. My personal wellness wheel completing your wheel fill in your wheel based on how satisfied you are with each sphere or category physical, social, etc a one being the least satisfied and a ten being the most satisfied. Wellness is the pursuit of continued growth and balance in the seven dimensions of wellness. The university counseling center ucc offers a range of counseling services, a free and confidential mental self assessment and outreach services. The word invokes thoughts of nutrition, exercise, weight management, blood pressure, etc. Despite not being able to offer our inperson wellness classes, we want to continue to provide online wellness resources to students, staff, and faculty at the university of arkansas. I chose this topic as a primary step toward wellness as it shows how to balance the 12 aspects we need to gain personal insight into our state of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness. Read each statement and fill in the corresponding pie shaped section of the wheel to the degree you are achieving. Selfcare assessment worksheet wendt center for loss and.
How do the eight dimensions of wellness affect your life. The well person maintains satisfying relationships with others. Sitting behind the wheel of a car while stopped for a few minutes in traffic. The indivisible self, an evidencebased model of wellness, emerged from factor analytic studies based on an earlier wellness model, the wheel of wellness. The wellness wheel describes the integration of 7 important dimensions of wellness. Balancing your wellness wheel university of kentucky. You can use this self assessment tool to determine the areas of wellness emotional, environmental, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual where you are thriving, as well as those that may need greater attention. Shanarri practitioner resources wellbeing wheel, my world triangle etc. Wellness wheel activity when you think about your life, what kinds of things go into each of these four areas. Wellness wheel selfassessment wellness wheel instructions the following exercise is a great way to discover and prioritize which areas of your life need attention. The 126 wellness worksheets in this package are designed to help students become more involved in their own wellness and better prepared to implement behavior change programs. There is a direct relationship between my personal values and daily actions. Teen wellness assessment organization the ability to keep track o f and make good use of possessions, money, and time. Awareness of, and accepting a wide range of feelings in yourself and others is essential to wellness.
The closer your markers are to the edge then the more the lines will resemble a circle resulting in you being more wellbalanced. How to use the life balance wheel to set meaningful goals. Wellness wheel self assessment wellness wheel instructions the following exercise is a great way to discover and prioritize which areas of your life need attention. Drink plenty of fluids over the 24hour preceding the assessment to ensure normal hydration. Assessment tools that help students learn more about their wellness related attitudes and behaviors. The closer the markers are to the centre of the circle, then the. Wellness wheel can provide a balanced life midland.
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